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Who We Are


In 2021, Let’s Dance Portland was created to rebuild the dance community after the “COVID-19 experience to bring the joy and community of dance back more vital than ever.


Our philosophy is to offer Dance lessons, shared friendships, and an abundance of social dancing at every Let’s Dance event. We are bringing a new concept or idea to our community.


Let’s do it at NO cost to the public for the first month. 


Let’s advertise to NON-dancers so we can add to our dance community and offer a dance experience to the many local dancers in our community. 


A “novel” idea, huh!    Lessons and a dance….at NO cost for first-time guests!




Volunteers Needed

Sign-up sheet at the front table.



Early set-up  6:00pm

Take Down/Clean Up 10:30 PM

Front table check in 

Name Badges

Assorted Duties

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